luckily lunch my sis helped me settle~ as i woke up at 1pm~carrot potato pork porridge ~ yum yum...
glad tat i no need to cook tis afternoon... silently smile heheh...
BUT ! nearly late evening d... i went to kitchen thinking tat my sis should be bzing v tonite dinner.... =.= ended up i be d cook for tonite dinner! damn it! she is sleeping after i shouting n shouting for her name...
u know~ normally shi fu will only go to kitchen when got important event rite???
oklar.... now me d shi fu need to qin1 zi4 xia4 chu2 as her tu di curi tulang....
firstly, tied up my fringe... very ma fan v tis hair...
second, take out all d materials which i plan to cook later...
3rd, cut n chop all those materials
4th, skillfully cook v my secret recipies wahahahhahaha~ syok sendiri ler :P
1st i prepared was d fish... for sure shi fu also has her own shifu master one rite? after calling her master mummy how to cook d fish... i started killing d fish!! easy job for me ler~ wahahha
goreng d fish n then cook d kicap for it~
jiang ~ jiang ~ jiang~ jiang~ d fish dish complete!!! ( after a loud screaming for help due to d oil splashing~ n my shout wake up my sis ~ so now she is beside me as my assistant helping me hold d cover of d kuali to avoid d hot oil heheheh)... finally i get her up to help me~ wahahha devil's smile wahahhahah
very tasty o ~ my sister eat til kilat kilat!
ok tats d 3 meals i had tonite~
my stomach kru~kru~kru~ already.. so happily thought i can start my dinner d ~
suddenly...... my instinct told me i forgot something!
wtf! i forgot to cook rice lar!!!! shit shit shit!!! like flash ~ i quickly ran to wash my rice n cook it~ huh.... wat a tiring cooking today!!
halo jmin..
cooking skills hebat leh!! looks yummy!!!=)
muahahaha what the heck, u n jane's blog gets me laughing like hell.
goodjob woh!! with the dishes AND THE POST!
hey... pls dun laugh at my cook ler! very tiring one!!!! next time got chance let u try... if u dare to .... wahahhahahahah
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